Projects - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

"Beliefs about the Academic Knowledge of Natural Sciences of Students Enrolling in a Course in Health Science: An Exploratory and Descriptive Study at the National University of Misiones and the Catholic University of Misiones"

Society’s progress is based on information, communication, education and knowledge. There have been great repercussions in society from the changes introduced by information and communication technologies. The ability to shorten time and distance has allowed millions of people around the world to have access to information. The development of science and technology makes knowledge obsolete as a consequence of the speed at which the internet and the media produce and mobilise information. The set of beliefs that social individuals have about knowledge and the learning process introduce the concept of personal epistemology. Personal epistemology can be considered a system of quite independent beliefs, whose evolution or development can be seen in the process from simple beliefs to more sophisticated ones. Some beliefs have prevailed for a long time despite the fact that the opposite had been unveiled and that we are aware we constantly continue to acquire new knowledge. It bears mentioning that the beliefs people have about knowledge and learning are both directly and indirectly related to academic learning. A number of questions have arisen in the context of the preventive social isolation established in Argentina due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to a change in the teaching and learning strategies. The general objective of the research can be identified from the stated hypothesis that the learning in the entrance at UNaM and UCAMI, and the metacognition of the epistemological beliefs about knowledge of Natural Sciences for university entrants to courses in Health Sciences, promote critical contexts for teaching and learning. The current research work is aimed at analysing the epistemological beliefs about the knowledge of Natural Sciences of students who are enrolling in a course in Health Science at university.

Keywords: beliefs about knowledge, Natural Science
Start date: 2021-10-01

Advisor: Mgtr. José Ricardo Valdez